So I received 2 wonderful emails today from families who adopted from our amazing Tim/Kiss litter of 13 pups in 2009. It is always so nice to hear what they are up to and I am so proud of both these boys. However they both experienced very different weekends and just thought this was interesting to share.
Spiritrider's Hot Stuff McDuff (McDuff) had an amazing weekend, when he passed with flying colours the testing for therapy dog through the PALS association-(Pet Access League Society) This is exceptional as Mc Duff is only 13 months old! Very young to be calm and well mannered enough to pass their strict guidelines for doing this very special work. PALS dogs are allowed access to hospitals, nursing homes, etc. to give the gift of hope and comfort to those in need. Mary Lou, his owner, is an exceptional lady who will make great contributions to others lives by doing this work with him.
Meanwhile, this weekend, McDuff's brother, Spiritrider's Smoken Hot Duke (Duke) had a very different life experience. Here is how his owner Gina relayed the story.
I love my Dog but….
Duke barked at the back door..perhaps it was a little more of an aggressive bark, but a bark none the less..I opened the door thinking that the neighbor’s cat was once again in our garden. Duke ran to the patio and was accosted and Assaulted by a SKUNK!!!!!
I screamed, the kids screamed….Duke continued to bark and Kelly started throwing things at the skunk, he stared with a milk jug and then picked up the heavy artillery, the wine bottle. The skunk stood its ground. Duke ran into the house when he could safely make a break for it and I hustled him downstairs to the shower…we started with all the V8 we had in the house, moved onto strawberry shampoo and decided that we needed more tomato juice.
Kelly and Logan dashed to the store and came home with 6 litres of tomato juice, that we then bathed Duke in. I rinsed him off only to find that, not only does tomato juice turn to cement on a dog, but it doesn’t do much to eliminated the smell. We continued with shampoo moving from strawberry to oatmeal and then to baby shampoo.
Kelly’s Dad arrived to save the rest of the day. He was dressed in his painting overalls and had his hunting hat on he was ready for business…he was also carrying the box of ‘fix the skunk smell’…also known as Semi Permanent hair curling solution…yup, Duke was going to get a perm. As Bill read the hair styling directions I started to laugh and laugh and laugh…to the point I couldn’t see or breathe. Here was my father in law, outdoorsman extraordinaire about to style Duke with a Perm. Apparently he has used this technique before as he has hunted with his doges since the beginning of time and this has always done the trick.
Well... low and behold it worked.
Duke is now in the garage for the night and we are airing the house out and praying for a BIG rain tonight to freshen the air in the back yard.
Damn skunk...